5 Hot Daddy With Great Heart

So every third week on June, Father’s day is celebrated by some countries and it is started at US according to history. Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single […]

Shrink Your Pores With These Items

This problem has become a common problem in women, especially those who often wear makeup. The use of makeup that closes the pores and is not totally cleaned will make the pores enlarged. According to grid website. This following items will help you to make your face smooth because they help to shrink pores. Ice […]

Must Have Item Before Giving Birth

Towards the birth, Moms need to carry important items that are brought to prepare for childbirth. Especially for Moms who welcomed the birth of the first child so as not to get confused approaching due date. Moms, are you ready to welcome the birth of the first child? It certainly feels impatient or maybe a […]

How to Overcome Baby Hiccups

Facing baby hiccups often startle parents to make panic sometimes. Especially for parents who have new children and want to take good care of their children. Quoted from Medical News Today, hiccups which are a reaction to the body actually do not need to worry about parents. Seeing a child while hiccuping does look uncomfortable, […]