If you’re a frequent reader of my blog then you’ll know that I’m absolutely loving that orange is big this season because it’s my second favourite colour. You may not know, however, that Olivia Palermo is one of my biggest style icons (I mean come on! Who wouldn’t want to have her wardrobe and dress […]
Month: January 2012
Sunday Snippet #5
♥ I’ve been spending the weekend with Jordan just lazing around recovering from nights out and wearing no makeup. It’s been heaven! ♥ I’m excited to do tomorrows or Tuesdays OOTD post, it’s a recreation of an outfit my number one style icon (Olivia Palermo) has worn recently. ♥ I desperately need a haircut, I […]
Dancing In Snakeskin!
Last night me and the guys went out to Coco Tang, one of Nottingham’s hidden gems, and when I say hidden I mean it’s down a cobbled street in Nottingham’s city centre surrounded by the slightly more expensive shops with only a lantern above the door. No sign, nothing! Nevertheless, it’s been one of my […]
Desert Storm
The time is now 7am and I’m blogging! You could say that I’m crazy or dedicated, but I’d say I’m a bit of both with insomniac thrown in. I haven’t slept at all yet and I have to leave the house at 8am to get to uni for 9am for today’s seminars. I have some […]
A New Name, The Same Game!
Just a quick little message to say that last night I finally took the plunge and decided that Twinklebug.com would be no more. I had been thinking about changing the name of this blog for such a long time because I just felt like Twinklebug was a bit too sickeningly sweet for my liking, it […]
Cheap & Chic!
I was going to call this post something along the lines of ‘Stripes & Mustard’ but then I decided that since most of this outfit was from Primark and therefore incredibly cheap, ‘Cheap & Chic’ was a better name. I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of the majority of their clothing as I think […]
The Orange Skirt!
Being a redhead, we’re not supposed to wear orange or red. Admittedly red is a colour that I’m not overly keen on (unless it’s a gorgeous burgandy shade), red lipsticks on the other hand get used left right and chelsea (if Kate Winslet can look fab sporting red lips in Titanic then why can’t I?) […]
I Am Still Painting Flowers For You
Todays weather is absolutely miserable but I’m not one to let the weather get to me so I decided to rebel against the rain with this floral dress (which I’ve worn before here). Even in bad weather my blazers still get a lot of love, I’m one of those silly people who would rather wear […]
Back To School!
I feel like I’m trying to prove that looking like you’re a schoolgirl is cool today, but I really do love this outfit, despite the fact that I had a major lie in and didn’t get out of bed until 2:30pm today (I finally fell asleep around 6am this morning) and had to rush […]
A New Year Calls For Some New Purchases…
Well…technically only half of these purchases were made this year, the rest were made just before or after Christmas. I went into town the other day searching for some night cream, I was hunting around House of Fraser when I just thought to myself ‘Why don’t I just buy some anti-aging cream instead?’ and so […]